Your privacy is extremely important to the Sexlog Network and we value every form of making your experience on our website even safer without detracting from your enjoyment.
That is the reason why all of our websites have HTTPS protocols, an extra layer of protection that allows your data as a user, your password and personal information, to be encrypted and verified by the server through digital certificates.
Actually, the HTTPS impedes hacker attacks, unauthorized access to confidential data and protects information published on our websites.
Besides that, other features were used in the technological development of our websites to improve safety and further reduce the probability of invasions.
All this was done so that you, our subscriber, can use Sexlog without worrying, so you can focus on finding real pleasure.
Privacy and Safety Policy - Rights and Duties Statement
Original provisions
The current Privacy and Safety Policy - Statement of rights and duties in conjunction with the General Conditions for Use of Services – Terms of Use, govern the relationship of the entire Sexlog Network with its users and third parties who somehow access or interact with any Sexlog Network website.
When using or accessing the Sexlog Network websites, you agree with this Privacy Policy and Rights and Duties Statement, and with the General Conditions for Use of Services from the Sexlog Network websites – Terms of Use.
If you do not agree with any of the provisions, rules or policies, please do not use the internet services from Sexlog Network.
The Privacy and Safety Policy - Statement of rights and duties with the General Conditions for Use of Services – Terms of Use apply to the websites, interactive features, apps, widgets, blogs, social networks, or other online provisions that may contain links to other Sexlog Network websites accessed through computers, mobile devices or any other technology.
The Sexlog Network website administrators inform that it is technically impossible to review all content, material, messages, photos and comments sent by users.
Therefore, you are aware that all material published on our website expresses the opinions and personal views of its authors and not of the website administrators of this Network (who are not responsible for any of the content).
You are aware that the publishing of any kind of abusive, prejudiced, or threatening material or material of any other nature that can violate any law is not allowed on this Network. In violating this rule, you will be immediately and permanently banned, and your Internet provider will be notified as well. Your IP address will be recorded on every interaction with our website, to help us make these conditions work.
You agree that the Sexlog Network administrators have the right to edit or remove any content under any circumstance they deem inappropriate.
You agree that any information you have given us will be kept in our database.
Administrators also cannot be blamed for any type of hacker invasion that can lead to the data being compromised.
The information you provide on this website may be displayed to all site visitors and subscribers unless you are told otherwise for specific restricted information chosen by you.
Information entered on the Sexlog Network can be indexed by search engines, therefore, avoid inserting personal information that you do not want to see exposed in this kind of engine, since the removal of such links is not a Sexlog Network administrator's responsibility.
Sending materials and License of Use
You declare you are the owner or have the authorization over all content and information you send and publish on the Sexlog Network websites, and you assume responsibility over the published material.
You agree that when you send any material to the website, such as photos and videos, you give Sexlog Network a license which is valid worldwide, is non exclusive, doesn't expire, is transferable, free of royalties or any other charge, allowing the Sexlog website to use, edit, and modify any content sent and published.
You agree that all material may be subject to evaluation, distribution, use, modification, publishing or may even be removed from the Sexlog Network websites or from any other website related to or run by us.
You agree that Sexlog can delete, at any time, any material on this website that was sent by you, without any previous warning.
When you publish content or information here, you allow everyone, including third parties who are not Sexlog users, to access and use this information.
It is your responsibility to make sure that it is lawful to send any adult material, such as photos and videos, from your house or wherever you are using the Internet.
Any sent material that does not fit these terms, will be sent to either local or international authorities and immediately removed from our servers.
The following is not allowed to be published on this website:
1. Material which contains images of people who are or appear to be under the age of 18.
2. Content with images or statements about pedophilia, sadism, masochism, bestiality, crime or any other type of violence or illegal behavior.
3. Material containing background images with children or images with people that are incapacitated, such as people under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or who may suffer from any kind of physical or mental disorder.
4. Photos or videos with e-mail addresses, msn or any external URL (website addresses).
5. Photos or videos protesting against any of the Sexlog Network websites.
6. Texts containing e-mail addresses, social networks or instant messengers or any dissemination of contact information outside the proper and designated fields for this.
7. Material that is not original, not authorized or which contains professional actors and models.
8. Photos where commercial and/or brand names, governmental buildings, and/or police cars or other official vehicles may appear or be identified.
9. Photos with police uniforms of any kind, even as an erotic fantasy.
The following is allowed to be published on this website:
Material containing acceptable adult content and in accordance with the terms and conditions found in the Privacy Policy and Rights and Duties Statement, as well as the General Conditions for Use of Services from the Sexlog Network websites – Terms of Use.
Guarantees, compensations and obligations about sent or published material:
When you send any material to the Sexlog Network, you guarantee that:
You are 18 years of age or over;
You are the owner or licensee of the copy of the material;
You are authorized under the laws of where you are or reside to be able to send us the material;
You are authorized to use or send the material for public viewing on this website;
The people shown in the material you sent are over the age of 18.;
The people shown in the material you sent are legally capable;
The material you sent contains no images of pedophilia, sadism, masochism, bestiality, crime or any other type of violence or illegal behavior;
All material sent by you to this website must be done under your authorized user name, using your exclusive access password.
Of the Responsibility and Compensation
When you accept the Sexlog Privacy Policy and Rights and Duties Statement, as well as the General Conditions for Use of Services from the Sexlog Network websites – Terms of Use, you agree that Sexlog, its correlated companies, directors, employees and agents do not have any legal responsibility over any content and/or material sent.
You understand and explicitly agree that Sexlog reserves the right to monitor every area of the website to ensure compliance with the Terms of Use and other rules that may be published and may remove and/or edit any content that violates the Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use.
Under no circumstances will the Sexlog Network, or any of its correlated companies, directors, employees, and/or agents be legally responsible for any direct, indirect, accidental, special, or punishing damages resulting from any (i) mistakes, misunderstandings or inaccurate content, (ii) personal or property damage of any nature resulting from your access or use of this service, (iii) any non-authorized use of our servers or of any of the information saved on them or even any error, loss or instability of data, problems in the host server or corruption of any material (iv) any interruption or cut of transmission to the website, (iv) any bugs, viruses or similar which may be transmitted to or through the website by any third party and/or (v) any errors or omissions of content either due to loss or damage of any type resulting from any content sent to the website, sent by e-mail, or obtained by any other manner available through the Sexlog website.
You specifically understand that Sexlog, and its correlated companies, directors, employees, and/or agents will not be legally held responsible for any content submitted by users or any third party behavior which may be defamatory, offensive, or illegal.
You agree to defend, indemnify and keep Sexlog, and its correlated companies, directors, shareholders, employees or agents, against any request for compensation, damages, obligations, losses, responsibilities, costs or debts and expenses (including, but not limited to attorney and legal fees) that concern: (i) inappropriate use of and access to Sexlog; (ii) violation of the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use; (iii) violation of third party rights, including and not limited to any copyright, ownership or privacy right.
Política de cookies do Sexlog
Em vigor a partir de 03 de dezembro de 2020.
O objetivo desta Política é fornecer informações claras e acessíveis sobre os cookies que o Sexlog utiliza e os papéis que eles desempenham. Esta política não exclui as disposições da Política de privacidade e visa detalhá-la e complementá-la.
O que são cookies
Cookies: Cookies são arquivos de texto simples, enviados pelo site ao navegador, na primeira vez que você o visita para garantir o bom funcionamento de sites e serviços na web, pois facilitam a adaptação do Sexlog para suas necessidades pessoais, facilitando o uso de nossos serviços e deixando sua navegação mais agradável. Além disso, cookies são utilizados para entender melhor como nossos visitantes e usuários utilizam nosso site e serviços.
O Sexlog usa os seguintes tipos de cookies em seu site, aplicativo e serviços:
Cookies de sessão: São cookies de uso temporário, excluídos quando você fecha o seu navegador. Se você reabrir o navegador e acessar novamente o site, você será tratado como um novo visitante.
Cookies necessários: São estritamente necessários para o correto funcionamento de nosso site, permitindo que acessem e utilizem nossos recursos.
Cookies persistentes: Cookies que ficam armazenados em seu navegador até serem deletados manualmente ou de acordo com o período de duração estabelecido. Ao retornar ao site, aplicativo ou serviços do Sexlog você será reconhecido mesmo que tenha fechado seu navegador anteriormente.
Dados coletados automaticamente
Tecnologias de rastreamento: O Sexlog também pode usar outras tecnologias de rastreamento que podem coletar informações, tais como, endereços IP, arquivos de registro e sinalizadores da web, dentre outras, que nos ajudam a fornecer o site, aplicativo e serviços do Sexlog às suas necessidades pessoais.
Quando seu dispositivo for conectado à internet ele receberá um número referente ao endereço de IP (Internet Protocol) que é utilizado para identificá-lo. Todas as vezes que você se conecta na internet seu computador recebe um IP atribuído pelo seu provedor de serviços de internet. Podemos registrar Endereços de IP para as seguintes finalidades:
Arquivos de registros (logs)
Logs: O Sexlog ou um terceiro, trabalhando em nosso nome, poderá coletar informações na forma de arquivos de registro (logs) que detalham as atividades do site e coletam estatísticas sobre os hábitos de navegação do usuário, incluindo, por exemplo, tempo gasto em cada postagem e perfil. Normalmente esses registros são gerados anonimamente e nos ajudam a entender detalhes como:
Outros registros tratados
Sinalizadores da web (web beacons) ou pixels: Nós podemos utilizar os sinalizadores da web (ou GIFs transparentes) nos sites do Sexlog. Os sinalizadores da web (também conhecidos como webbugs ou web beacons) são pequenas sequências de códigos que permitem a entrega de uma imagem gráfica em uma página da web com o objetivo de transferir dados de volta para nós. Usamos as informações dos sinalizadores da web para os mais variados propósitos, incluindo:
Consentimento granular
Sempre que possível, desde que não interfira nas funcionalidades e segurança da plataforma ou em nossas obrigações legais, ofereceremos a você a possibilidade de selecionar quais registros deseja que sejam gravados ou lidos.
Por outro lado, é importante lembrar que cabe a você assegurar que as configurações do seu computador, conta na plataforma ou dispositivo portátil reflitam se você consente em aceitar Cookies, ou não.
A maioria dos navegadores permite que você estabeleça regras para avisá-lo antes de aceitar Cookies ou simplesmente recusá-los. Você não precisa ter Cookies habilitados para usar ou navegar na maior parte do site e serviços online da Sexlog, entretanto, neste caso, não podemos assegurar que você vai conseguir acessar todos os seus recursos e funcionalidades, o que pode resultar em uma experiência desagradável.
Recomendamos que você veja no seu navegador como realizar as configurações necessárias para sua privacidade. Lembre-se que se você usar navegadores, ou mesmo computadores e/ou dispositivos portáteis diferentes em locais diferentes, você precisará se assegurar de que cada dispositivo e navegador esteja ajustado para suas preferências pessoais de Cookies.
Como os nossos sinalizadores da web (web beacons) ou pixels podem fazer parte de uma página da web (incorporadas no código), não é possível excluir (“opt-out”) esse tipo de recurso, mas você pode torná-lo completamente não-funcional ativando o recurso “opt-out” para os Cookies colocados por esse sinalizador.
Data Protection Officer
Caso tenha qualquer dúvida a respeito, ou queira questionar alguma disposição, ou mesmo se opor a qualquer operação de tratamento que estabelecemos nesta política, entre em contato com nosso Data Protection Officer, por meio da nossa Central de Privacidade e Proteção de Dados Pessoais.